Monday, December 14, 2009

A question of Survival!!

After a long time I got one question that i could not explain by putting some raw logic behind even emprical evidences and analogies. If you could be of any help in garnering me some mental peace and hence sparing me some sleepless nights I shall be grateful.

" Lets jump to the evolution concept of nature (Non Darwinians may take a walk), we see comparatively highly evolved species, like us, then we can take identical small steps right down to single celled creatures with little or no intelligence. Right through your (and mine) look alike monkeys, favourite labradores, mammoths, amazing jurassics and rain forests. When we dont find a stepping stone for going back; in almost all cases we find a stone that existed and since now called extinct. All good so far.

When we hit AmoebaXX (let us say it presents the first of life forms), the god-mother of all life forms, we see one distinct creature that is the whole base of all we see today. The same ancient nature has been calling for all the instincts and evolutions ever since.

This known nature, in commom lingo, is survival or the need for it. The caller of all intellect, instincts, senses, species, fights, wars, battles and almost everything any known life form did and does.

My question is "Why this nature, named survival instinct, came into existence in the first place? Is is it a mere coincidence that this has the same genesis as that of life or does some example exist of pre life survival? If there are none such, does it not essentially prove the existence of a supremely intelligent being (GOD) for devising such a beautifully potent thing". "

Thats all. Any form of help will be appreciated.


VIZAG - Youth For Equality said...

u want suggestions.. next time i come down to chennai. v sure discussing this!! :)

NIVEDITA said...

i think that some example did exist of pre life survival. i cant elaborate more on this one. :)

chittaranjan said...

@ NIvedita: Too good to hear, please try to elaborate or post where have you stumbled upon such a thing, i shall do the research on that myself. Thanks :)

Bhabani Acharya said... has more data for your research. i m not at all eligible to comment on this.simply good

Creator !!! said...

Hmmm ! The first thing that crossed my mind was Equilibrium, a concept from Physics - which applies to both living and non-living things. This by itself raises questions about life and its existance .... Tu dilli aaja - we shall talk over drinks

Sidhdharth said...

Chitto!!!! You remind me of Ayn Rand!! Simply registering what you are trying to say is a delightful exercise

sensiblenisha said...

In raw logical, or rather, biological terms, survival instinct is nothing but reaction/response to stimuli.


'response to stimuli(albeit a specific one)'
For instance, when one's hungry, one instinctively searches for food.if u wont find food u wont searching food becomes a matter of survival.u need not necessarily have 'intellect' to react to such a situation.this survival instinct comes to u as a response to a stimuli.
Similarly, the case of predator and prey.
We just react to various kind of stimuli and dat... is survival instinct... something every living organism(right down to protists) is equipped with 'cos of the very reason that it has to live/exist.
But zooming out of cellular level:
Again the question arises whether there was someone who decided wat should be a specific response to stimuli? Well the same someone or something ...who decided the pattern of electronic configuration...who decided that unlike charges attract...who set the wheels into motion.
We call it GOD or nature or Big Bang(non believers)... watever.

P.S.:Universal law of gravitation,atoms,cell...everything was DISCOVERED!

chittaranjan said...

@kiddo:good analysis, you reached to the core question with a panache. Yet there remains a key element that is completely reversed, that it is the survival instinct that has engendered the reaction to specific stimuli. Taking the same example, its the survival instinct that has written your genes in such a way that you need to search for or fight for it. The same goes for all other reactions too; some are recent and some are ancient giving different levels of push for action and different levels of satisfaction (happiness) for each action taken. Anyway my objective is not to find GOD here, they are simply putting one step back into genesis in my habitual reverse chronological order. Just one more step. :)