Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Kill yourself peacefully: Part-1

This writing has many direct derivations from the “Gaia Hypothesis” and the “Daisy world simulations”, something I was going through just to keep my mind active during my up-country (read village) sales job in the heartland of Marathawada.

For the uninitiated Gaia Hypothesis states that “the Life itself is the single largest (don’t go by the mass or any such quantitative means) self sustaining and deliberate living organism of the planet or any such living complex systems”; Leading to a notion that Life will try to sustain Life for the longest of terms even though the living beings behave on Darwinian rules of survival of fittest.

The Daisy World Simulations proved the concept to be true. Indulge me with a little more details. In the simulation, in its simplest of forms, the hypothetical planet consists of two species; the black daisies and the white ones, both following on Darwinian rules. Thus the white ones push the planet cooler and the black ones push it warmer. As in any planetary system the life is sustainable in a narrow band of temperature, the daisies are the only things regulating the planet’s temperature.

Then the simulators played their part of the game and turned the Hypothetical Sun’s energy on the planet in every way possible. Surprisingly, the black ones which absorb and flourish under higher heat conditions in the temp-band started declining when the heat crossed a limit and the white ones flourished pushing the temperature down into the band. The vice versa went for the reverse turn of the regulator.

We might ask here, where is the survival instinct, that should have made the planet inhabitable in any side turn of the planet. Rather how did the two species of daisies communicated with each other to act without regard of Darwinian rules to sustain the planetary life. Or who asked them to. They call that thing Gaia (in older terminologies they call it Nature).

……TBC… Write when I get some decent whiskey next…....

Monday, December 14, 2009

A question of Survival!!

After a long time I got one question that i could not explain by putting some raw logic behind even emprical evidences and analogies. If you could be of any help in garnering me some mental peace and hence sparing me some sleepless nights I shall be grateful.

" Lets jump to the evolution concept of nature (Non Darwinians may take a walk), we see comparatively highly evolved species, like us, then we can take identical small steps right down to single celled creatures with little or no intelligence. Right through your (and mine) look alike monkeys, favourite labradores, mammoths, amazing jurassics and rain forests. When we dont find a stepping stone for going back; in almost all cases we find a stone that existed and since now called extinct. All good so far.

When we hit AmoebaXX (let us say it presents the first of life forms), the god-mother of all life forms, we see one distinct creature that is the whole base of all we see today. The same ancient nature has been calling for all the instincts and evolutions ever since.

This known nature, in commom lingo, is survival or the need for it. The caller of all intellect, instincts, senses, species, fights, wars, battles and almost everything any known life form did and does.

My question is "Why this nature, named survival instinct, came into existence in the first place? Is is it a mere coincidence that this has the same genesis as that of life or does some example exist of pre life survival? If there are none such, does it not essentially prove the existence of a supremely intelligent being (GOD) for devising such a beautifully potent thing". "

Thats all. Any form of help will be appreciated.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A philosophical aspect of the Sub-prime Crisis

I must make this clear first, I am no economist and no core fin guy. When my friends started asking me about the crisis, to get an answer from their old timer all they could get ahs...and ifs and some pure bull-globe talk.

So i tried to comprehend the issues as best i can, consulted the best finance ppl on the campus and read as much of stuff as i could; i assure you there are a lot on the issue on the internet and the finance journals. But, quite naturally, i tried to put it set on some proven frameworks and it does not get any better than Ayn Rand's.

She hypothesizes that every crisis, man made, had been instigated by the governments of the nations. Armed with this one and the knowledge on the web and some disturbed friends i set on to prove this one, at least in part to solace my disturbed mind and finally find some one tangible to castigate my heart out.

I still do not understand fully why all the governments to fight to keep one sector flying and others not; it may be because of lobbyists, ego issues or even ideals. When they do they effectively wipe out the competitive structure of the market of the industry and the associated, with their sheer amount of security and infinite guarantee. All this is fine if the Government is to manage the operations of the business as any private enterprise will do. But speaking historically that is hardly the case (even they faltered monumentally, ask Russia, when they tried to do so).

The US government, in this case, created Freddie and Fannie to support housing sector in mortgaging activities and tacitly backed it. with a clause of bailing them out if they ever defaulted, the bonds of the firms looked as desirable as the US treasury securities to most. Whilst the concerned individual investor will be apprehensive of the risk associated with the Govt led devaluation of the shares in case of the write off, the global markets eagerly lapped up the bonds. with their burgeoned debts and poor supervision of the Government, they tried to rake up huge profits in sub-prime lending and mortgages. before long they cascaded an effect fully capable to collapse the whole economy of the country.

Now the Fed comes into the rescue, in the usual fire fighting mode, take control of the duo and started bailing out companies, those behemoths that required no help from any one as long as US behaved in Smith's way of capitalism, with a blatant proof against its preached free and objective laws.

The governments world wide should take a note of this event and better focus on their core activities of policing and judiciary rather than trying to make adjustments that are so often subject to the whims and fancies of a cheap little bureaucrat sitting idle in some obscure corner of their office, desperately trying to prove to this world that he exists and matters.